Monday, April 16, 2012

Well, I am starting out into cyberspace with my views and opinions on everything that's relevant and even the irreverent. What can I say but life encompasses every single thing. God is everywhere and is everything.

I am going to start with an issue very close to my heart. Hell.  I don't believe in hell. I believe that Jesus Christ lived and died on this Earth. I believe that he rose from death and is still alive today. He is conscious of his existence and he is quite active in our lives today.

Hell really concerns me. I recently had a huge argument with a good friend about Hell. I asked him to reconcile Christ with the existence of hell. How can we believe in Jesus Christ and still believe that at some point, there is this Hell where humans and the Satan and his minions will be be tortured for eternity -- in fire? How could this be a reality when Christ's legacy is that every effort should be an effort of love towards other humans. I really don't see how,  given the depiction of Christ in the gospels that he would allow, condone, standby,  and/or watch this endless and excruciating event to take place while everyone else lives peacefully and happily in Heaven. No way! 

First, how could any Christian, Buddhist, or Muslim condone such a state. Our entire spiritual journey is about forgiving and loving every single person and I will even submit, every single thing in this creation.

Second, given Christ's sacrifice and journey, would not Christ answer that in existence there is no place for Hell. Why would there be when he can change hearts and minds.

We are journeying.  Consciousness is a gift and one that will not meet a tortuous and unfortunate end. That is not the gift of the Christ who suffered greatly and died ignobly. As a result, Hell has no place in Christian theology. Christ forgives every transgression. In fact, he seeks out and takes in the outlyers